Executive Team
John started working for Word & Deed in 2008 after serving in Cubulco, Guatemala, for over 17 years as the director of the Señorita Elena Hospital under the oversight of Free Reformed Missions International. We are grateful for John’s first-hand insights into the work of our partners, not to mention the fact that his ability to communicate fluently with our Spanish partners comes in handy on a daily basis! John currently works as our Director of Projects, which means that he communicates with our Project Managers, ensuring that everything is running smoothly in all the projects that we fund. John also serves as one-third of our Executive Team.
If you have been to a Word & Deed dinner, church presentation, or Business Group meeting, chances are you’ve met Rick. In 2005, Rick was hired to direct and develop Word & Deed’s Public Relations department. His thorough understanding of the Public Relations realm makes him an invaluable asset to the ongoing promotion of Word & Deed’s vision. Rick also works as the Project Manager for Guatemala, and as a Project Manager for some of our projects in Asia and Africa. On top of all of this, he also wears the hat of Executive Team member.
Heidi was a key instigator in the development of Word & Deed USA in November 2000. From her home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, she takes on the role of Administrator, Project Manager of Nigeria, Malawi and South Africa, and also serves as the third member of our Executive Team. Phew, that’s quite the list! Heidi’s passion for her work is evident in the way that she strives to serve our partners with integrity and in a way that is deeply mindful of their spiritual well-being.
Scott joined the Word & Deed team in 2018. Scott works largely in our Public Relations department, presenting at churches, schools, and managing our video content. He has an eye for design, a love for developing donor relationships, and a fresh perspective for connecting to the younger generation. Scott is also the Project Manager for Nicaragua and Colombia.
Scott has been the Director of Administration at our Canadian office since 2016. Scott is our resident currency expert. He oversees all the payments that have to be distributed to the various countries, so, needless to say, he is well-loved by all of our partners! He also oversees the everyday operations at the office, ensuring nothing is missed in our day-to-day activities. Scott has also taken on the role of Project Manager for the Dominican Republic, and can be seen doing presentations at various churches and schools in Southwestern Ontario.
Kara has been part of the Word & Deed team since 2012. In 2023, she transitioned to a Public Relations and Administrative Support role, which includes a wide range of tasks such as helping our volunteers with the organization of fundraisers, supporting the PR team in various ways, writing and editing articles for our website and magazines, designing promotional materials, and a host of other tasks. No two days look the same, and that’s the way she likes it!
Dave is the second member of our USA staff. After being a teacher and school principal for many years in Michigan, Dave enjoys connecting with various schools, churches, and donors throughout the USA, promoting the mission and vision of Word & Deed. When he isn’t gallivanting across the USA, Dave also manages our projects in Kenya, Ecuador and Costa Rica.
Kasper is the newest member of the Word & Deed team, having joined us in September 2023. If you live in Southwestern Ontario, you are likely to meet Kasper at various school and/or church presentations, as well as at Business Groups meetings and fundraisers. Kasper also serves as a Project Manager, overseeing the projects in Haiti and Indonesia. We are glad to have him on our team!
“We can only say thanks, because without a doubt, the Family Protection Team arrived at the right time. We felt listened to, understood, and above all we were able to recognize that God is the basis of our home. With Him restoration becomes complete and we can be a happy family.”
“Praise God for what He is doing to expand Christian education and the opportunity to witness for Christ among the Muslims in Indonesia. We pray that He will continue to use us as a tool to bring more people to Christ and to grow his church in this nation.”
“This past year Word & Deed took the initiative to work out a very important project that would place theology books in the hands of pastors across Latin America… I wish to congratulate Word & Deed for their sensitivity to such fundamental needs in the church of Latin America. Good theology will produce healthy churches. We need to always work on the foundations. On behalf of CLIR, we look forward to continued cooperation in the future.”
“When I was in Grade 4, I heard a presentation about the Adoration School in Haiti. That made me think about the children of my age that don’t have the privilege of going to school as I do. The question came into my mind how to raise money for them…. Then in the summer of 2020, I started my HJK Landscaping Service and went to my neighbors and worked for them. My business worked out well, so I decided to put away 10 percent of all the money I received and give it to the Adoration School in Haiti.”
“I love the education material that Word & Deed publishes and shares. It is a wonderful way for my 7th-grade geography students to learn the history of a country, but also to learn about the creativity of God through different cultures.”
“I would like to thank the supporters of the mission for the help that they bring into my life. I love the Bible studies and learning the stories of the Bible. The groups from Canada and the USA are such a blessing and we love the games that they teach us and the Bible crafts that we do. I have been in this project for four years now and I love the Word of God… Jesus is the only hope that I have.”
“In school, I have been taught the Word of God, which is very important to my life and that of my family. I feel happy because the teachers at La Palabra treat me very well.”