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100 Women with $100 started with an idea to gather as a community and share our blessings with a particular community in need.
As an outpouring of our blessings, we desire to gather with 100 other women and each give $100 to support a worthy cause.


Please join us on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 7:30 pm located at the Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Guelph, Ontario. We look forward to welcoming 100 + women each with $100 to give to a specific project in need.

There will be 3 different projects to vote on supporting: The Bundles of Love Program in Guatemala, The Class Sponsorship Program in Colombia, and Christian Education Program in South Sudan.

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to learn more about these projects and to stay in the loop about event details.
Thank you!


November 16, 2023
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm


Anita Van Rootselaar


Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Church
8037 ON-7
Guelph/Eramosa, Ontario N1H 6H8 Canada
+ Google Map

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