Planned Giving

Smarter Ways to Give

Wise and Impactful Giving
Increase the Effect of Your Generosity for Kingdom Work through Word & Deed.

Planned gifts offer you smart and powerful ways to increase the impact of your gifts to Word & Deed Ministries Inc.– often while benefiting your family, too.

By understanding the available options, you can multiply the results of your generosity in ways that are simple, flexible, cost-effective and powerful.

Types of Planned Gifts

  • Giving Stock, Real Estate or Other Assets
  • Gifts from Your IRA
  • Gifts in a Will
  • Gifts That Pay You Income
  • Donor-Advised Fund

Barnabas Foundation

Word & Deed Ministries Inc. partners with Barnabas Foundation to offer our supporters complimentary planning services and assistance with complex gifts.

Since 1976, Barnabas Foundation has helped thousands of individuals and families give more effectively to the ministries close to their hearts. They’ll help you accomplish the greatest good with your generosity – for your family and for God’s Kingdom – through tax-wise charitable giving.

Barnabas Foundation will help you…

  • Identify the best giving options available to you, in a way that is clear and easy to understand.
  • Ensure your will reflects your personal and charitable goals.
  • Give stock, real estate or other non-cash gifts while reducing your taxes.
  • Make gifts that provide you and your family with income for life.
  • Streamline and simplify the process of giving to multiple ministries.

To learn more about this opportunity contact Dave Vander Meer at or at 269-760-0771.

Giving Stock, Real Estate or Other Assets

Most charitable gifts to Word & Deed Ministries Inc. are given in the form of cash because this is so familiar. However, this may not be the most cost-effective way for you to give.

You can increase your potential impact – and experience significant tax savings – by giving non-cash assets.

Examples of Non-Cash Assets

  • Stock or marketable securities
  • Real estate
  • Business interests
  • Farm commodities
  • Life insurance
  • Retirement benefits, such as Gifts from your IRA.

Benefits of Giving Non-Cash Assets

  • Tax-wise. Receive a fair market value deduction at the time of your gift and avoid tax liability on the sale of appreciated assets.
  • Eliminate hassles. Give assets you no longer need or want to manage (such as rental properties of vacation homes) for the benefit of Word & Deed Ministries Inc.

Gifts from Your IRA

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a sizable gift from an individual retirement account (IRA) to Word & Deed Ministries Inc. AND reduce your taxable income.

Benefits of Giving from Your IRA

  • Convenient. An easy way to give to Word & Deed Ministries Inc.
  • Tax-wise. Distributions made directly to charity are not treated as taxable income. This is advantageous even if you don’t itemize deductions on your tax returns!
  • Promises kept. Gifts from your IRA can be used to fulfill any charitable giving pledges previously made.
  • Impactful. Gifts are tax-free to Word & Deed Ministries Inc. The entirety of your gift will go toward the work of this ministry!

Requirements of a Qualified Charitable Distribution

You can give from your IRA to ministry without any federal tax liability, as long as the gifts are qualified charitable distributions (QCDs). Distributions qualify for all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD).

  • IRA holders must be age 70 ½ or older at the time of the gift.
  • Give up to $100,000 per year as a single person or $200,000 per year as a married couple from separate accounts.
  • Gifts must be outright gifts made directly to a charitable organization.
  • Distributions to donor-advised funds, charitable trusts or for charitable gift annuities are not permissible.
  • Distributions may only be made from traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs; other retirement accounts are not eligible.

Gifts in a Will

When you give a gift (also known as a “bequest”) to Word & Deed Ministries Inc. in your will or trust, you model to your loved ones a legacy of generosity. You also help ensure that Word & Deed Ministries Inc. will continue to make a difference well beyond your lifetime.

Benefits of Gifts in a Will

  • Legacy. Extend the impact of your generosity well beyond your lifetime.
  • Availability. Retain access to your God-given resources for the remainder of your lifetime, or for as long as you need them.
  • Capacity. You can potentially make the largest gift you’ll ever have the ability to give.

Gifts That Pay You Income

A lifetime income gift – such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust – is a wonderful solution if you wish to give to Word & Deed Ministries a substantial way but are concerned about having enough retirement income.

You can give cash or other property and receive steady income for the rest of your life (or a designated number of years). The remainder will benefit Word & Deed Ministries Inc.

Benefits of Lifetime Income Gifts

  • Win-win. Support Word & Deed Ministries Inc. while securing income payments for life or a designated number of years.
  • Eliminate hassles. Give assets you no longer need or care to manage (such as rental property or vacation homes) to benefit God’s Kingdom.
  • Tax-wise. Receive an immediate income tax deduction at the time of your gift and reduce capital gains tax when funding your gift with appreciated assets.

Donor-Advised Fund

Donor-advised funds provide you with a simple, flexible and tax-efficient giving opportunity. Receive an immediate tax deduction when you deposit cash or proceeds from appreciated assets into a single charitable giving account. Then, recommend grants be made to Word & Deed Ministries Inc. at a time that works best for you.

Through Word & Deed Ministries Inc.’s membership with Barnabas Foundation, you have complimentary access to the “Stewards Fund,” a donor-advised fund that reflects your biblical values.

Benefits of Using the Stewards Fund

  • Timing. Receive an immediate tax deduction at the time you make a gift into the Stewards Fund. Then, at a time that works best for you, advise Barnabas Foundation how you wish your gifts to be distributed to Word & Deed Ministries Inc.
  • Flexibility. Grants can be requested at any time of the day using Barnabas Foundation’s convenient online grant system. You may choose to give in one-time or recurring increments, and you may choose to designate your gift to meet specific organizational needs at Word & Deed Ministries Inc.
  • Simplicity. Simplify your giving and record-keeping by making all gifts of cash, stocks or appreciated assets from a single account.
  • Privacy. You can choose to make any or all grants to Word & Deed Ministries Inc. anonymously.
  • Expertise. Benefit from the knowledge and expertise of Barnabas Foundation staff who will manage and liquidate your non-cash asset gifts.
  • Cost-effective. Many families choose to use their Stewards Fund account as a cost-effective alternative to establishing a private foundation.
More Ways To
Get Involved
“When I was in Grade 4, I heard a presentation about the Adoration School in Haiti. That made me think about the children of my age that don’t have the privilege of going to school as I do. The question came into my mind how to raise money for them…. Then in the summer of 2020, I started my HJK Landscaping Service and went to my neighbors and worked for them. My business worked out well, so I decided to put away 10 percent of all the money I received and give it to the Adoration School in Haiti.”
H Klaver, Elementary school student
“I love the education material that Word & Deed publishes and shares. It is a wonderful way for my 7th-grade geography students to learn the history of a country, but also to learn about the creativity of God through different cultures.”
Mrs. S Soerens, Grade 7 teacher

“I would like to thank the supporters of the mission for the help that they bring into my life. I love the Bible studies and learning the stories of the Bible. The groups from Canada and the USA are such a blessing and we love the games that they teach us and the Bible crafts that we do. I have been in this project for four years now and I love the Word of God… Jesus is the only hope that I have.”

Student from the Afterschool Program in Ecuador
“This past year Word & Deed took the initiative to work out a very important project that would place theology books in the hands of pastors across Latin America… I wish to congratulate Word & Deed for their sensitivity to such fundamental needs in the church of Latin America. Good theology will produce healthy churches. We need to always work on the foundations. On behalf of CLIR, we look forward to continued cooperation in the future.”
Rev. Bill Green, Executive Secretary for CLIR, Costa Rica
“In school, I have been taught the Word of God, which is very important to my life and that of my family. I feel happy because the teachers at La Palabra treat me very well.”
4th Grade student from La Palabra Christian School, Guatemala
“We can only say thanks, because without a doubt, the Family Protection Team arrived at the right time. We felt listened to, understood, and above all we were able to recognize that God is the basis of our home. With Him restoration becomes complete and we can be a happy family.”
Beneficiary family of the Family Protection Program, Colombia
“Praise God for what He is doing to expand Christian education and the opportunity to witness for Christ among the Muslims in Indonesia. We pray that He will continue to use us as a tool to bring more people to Christ and to grow his church in this nation.”
Director of Children of Light, Indonesia