2022 Dinner Tour Recap
Word & Deed would like to thank the many supporters who joined us for the Annual Fall Dinner Tour. We were able to have Juan Carlos from Education Plus in Costa Rica present at 4 locations across the United States. We also welcomed Pastor Anup Hiwale from Mission of Peacemaking in India to speak in 4 locations across Canada. We were encouraged by the many attendees and volunteers who helped out with the Dinner Tour to make it happen! Our speakers were also welcomed into many schools along the way to share first hand with the students how God’s kingdom is growing in India and Costa Rica.
By God’s goodness we raised $157,000 CAD/ $115,000 USD net through the dinner tours. We see the dinners as a valuable opportunity to meet with our support base and provide relevant updates from our partners. The many miles covered and presentations are always worth it when we are able to share God’s work through Word & Deed’s partners.
Thank you for receiving us so well this past month.