Continued Prayer for Haiti

As many of you are no doubt aware, the unrest in Haiti has gone from bad to worse over the last few years and the last few months have been as bad as it’s ever been. We are grateful for the recent opportunity we have had to support a food aid program, however, we are sadly aware of the fact that lack of food is only one of many trials in the lives of the people of Haiti. Gang activity is rampant, the cost-of-living has skyrocketed, schools have been closed and then opened and then closed again. A transitional council responsible for choosing Haiti’s next leader was recently established and our prayer is that the Lord will use this to bring some stability and peace to the country. Life for the people of Haiti has been a constant battle of safety and survival. What a tiring way to live!
We’ve heard about a doctor who was on her way to work at the hospital and was caught in some crossfire. She was hit and later succumbed to her injuries.
Our partners have also reported stray bullets hitting the roof of their school. Hearing gunshots in the street has become a part of everyday life in Port-au-Prince.
We heard about two young girls who were on their way home from school and had to stay at a friend’s house overnight because gangs were blocking their way home. The girls had no way of communicating with their family and so their parents were gravely concerned for the well-being of their daughters. They were very relieved to see them again a few days later. Praise the Lord for countless instances of his divine protection over his people.
Our intent in informing you of this situation is not to frighten or discourage you, but to present you with the opportunity to continue in steadfast prayer for the people of Haiti. When we communicate with our partners, they continuously relay that their greatest need is for prayer. Their dependence on the prayers of the saints has been inspiring to us. And so, we have compiled some specific prayer requests on behalf of our brothers and sisters:
Thank the Lord for countless instances of his gracious protection over his people in Haiti.
Pray for strength, safety, and wisdom for our partners.
Petition the Lord for an end to the unrest and for a resumption of ‘normal’ life for the people of Haiti.
Ask the Lord to give wisdom to the government of Haiti. Thank the Lord for the provision of the transitional council and pray that it would be effective in its mission of choosing the next political leader for the country.
Pray that our partners would be a light to their community and that they would portray a welcome sense of peace that can only come from the Lord. Pray for revival.
“I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2