Spring 2025 Magazine
The following is the Foreword from our Spring 2025 edition of the magazine, written by Rick Postma. The entire publication can be found by clicking on the button to the right.
God’s Borderless Kingdom
We live in a time when tensions are rising between countries around the world. Thankfully, by God’s grace, many are brothers and sisters in Christ and citizens of His borderless Kingdom which has both “already” as well as “not yet” dimensions. For us as Word & Deed, the differences between countries does not impact our desire to bring the Gospel to the nations in both Word and deed, together. Mercy, too, is borderless as exemplified by Jesus and his interaction with the Samaritan woman in John 4.
For over 20 years, our organization has had the privilege of working closely together as Word & Deed North America. While two separate boards are required for legal purposes, they work together very closely with two combined meetings per year, one of which is in-person at our annual Staff & Board Retreat in May. As well, we have a number of combined sub-committees including a projects sub-committee, with members from both boards which meets every month.
In the end, especially during times like this, we, as well as our brothers and sisters around the world, need to look to the Word of the Lord to provide instruction, as well as encouragement, for living out our lives Coram Deo, of which the following verse is a wonderful example: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6).
In this issue of the magazine, partners who have learned to look to the Lord inform us about their projects in South Sudan and Costa Rica. Scott Koopman introduces us to our partner in the Dominican Republic and we have also included an update on our various disaster response efforts around the world and the reminder to pray for the many who suffer in ways we can scarcely imagine. An article on theological education underlines the indispensable need for church pastors and leaders equipped to teach their flocks God’s Word. In all this we need to be reminded that we are called to obey God’s revealed will as expressed in His Word, to prayerfully ask for His blessing, but to always remember that to Him belongs the victory and the glory.