Though Costa Rica benefits from the tourism industry and is more stable than many neighbouring countries, there remains large gaps between the rich and the poor. Many communities struggle with poverty, crime, and gangs. It is in this context that our partner, Education Plus, ministers. This project works in shanty towns in San Jose, Costa Rica with children and young people at high social risk to prevent drop out from school. In the communities where Education Plus works, there are a high number of drug related murders every year. Education Plus is a vitally important ministry that brings a different message than those displayed in the children’s communities. The staff builds relationships with the children and families and conveys a message of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The director of this project, Juan Ramirez, is an elder in Pastor Bill Green’s church (URC Missionary). 450 children and their families are helped, by God’s grace, to build a different story than the typical life of drop out, crime, and drugs that is all too common in these communities. Education Plus provides school supplies, weekly Bible classes, family visits, and summer camps to their beneficiaries.