South Sudan

South Sudan

South Sudan is located in Central Africa and is a country that has suffered severely over the years due to ethnic violence and civil war. The country’s economy is largely dependent on oil and agriculture and so seasons of drought are detrimental to the people’s well-being. South Sudan is also known to be one of the most illiterate, poor, and undeveloped countries in the entire world, with little access to proper medical care. It is in this environment where Word & Deed partners seek to minister to the Sudanese people.

  • Street Children Ministries

    Street Children Ministry provides a home, Christian education and other supports for children who live on the streets of South Sudan. Their goal is that these children would come to love the Lord and be reunited with their families. This school has an excellent reputation in the community. A parent of one of the children said “I want my child to read, speak English, and have Christian values, just like other students who attend this school.” For the 2024 school year, there are 53 boys and 12 girls that are enrolled. Aside from a Christian education, Street Children Ministries also provides these students with substance addiction counseling, food and medication, a healthy and loving environment for them to live in, and vocational training. Their mission is to minister to the spiritual and physical lives of street children through holistic rehabilitation and quality Christian education.

  • Sudanese Reformed Church

    The Sudanese Reformed Church (SRC) is a denomination that has 4 churches in Sudan and 16 in South Sudan. They operate several different schools that range from preschools all the way up to secondary schools. All of their operational costs are locally funded. Over the last number of years, Word & Deed has helped them replace one of their school buildings that was destroyed and has also helped construct classrooms for other church-run schools. The SRC also organizes a feeding program that Word & Deed supports for 950 hungry students at these schools.

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